The two words are interconnected though not the same. There are times when training is essential and when learning is paramount. There are instances where formal training can never be replaced by personalized learning since training offers skills and knowledge. Knowing the difference is therefore essential so as to know when to employ either of the two or both.
Training versus Learning
Training is the dissemination of knowledge and skills to a learner. It is not aimed at behaviour change or development of the same, but focuses on teaching specific concepts to learners. It’s not a continuous process like learning since it has a beginning and an end. Moreover, training is done to a large group of people since the learners are passive. Actualization of concepts learnt depends on learner’s ability to apply new found knowledge and skills.
Learning involves the ability to retain learnt skills, knowledge or concepts to help solve a problem in the future. It also focuses on the learner’s interest more than the trainer’s interest thus learner motivated. For learning to take place, the learner is more involved during training since learning is future oriented and therefore smaller groups of learners or one learner is involved. The beauty of learning is that it enables performance since it is a process; learning never ends.
Is Fenaice Talent Centre a Training or Learning institution?
Fenaice Talent Centre is an institution of both training and learning. Our institution is not only geared towards instilling knowledge but also ensuring that learnt concepts are realized and nurtured to perfection. We only say that learning has been achieved when behaviour changes to the positive. Therefore, we offer progressive training while monitoring learning. It’s from the charted learning of each learner do more training and guidance is involved.
How do Fenaice make Talent Training impactful?
Can training happen without learning? Yes, it can. On this realization, FTC ensures that its training is not mere but impactful and a learner can comfortably display learnt concepts. On one hand, we have trainers who are professional, friendly, relatable and approachable. Our learners therefore feel free to interact and relate with the teachers. On the other hand, a talent such as playing a piano is instilled by first teaching the learner in an interactive way, some basics like parts of a piano, how to make music and the importance of learning to play the instrument. Once the learner appreciates the importance of learning the skill and knows how to play, the learner is given opportunities to experiment through playing different notes and enjoy the art of playing the instrument. This enjoyment further boosts the learner’s curiosity to learn more and he effectively seeks more knowledge. The trainer also makes a follow up of the learner’s learning progress and helps to improve the learner to perfection.
Ultimately, Fenaice Talent Centre is therefore centered in impactful training for learning. Our key concept is not for training to take place but learning to be actualized by our learners.