Talent identification is basic towards self-satisfaction. When you find your hidden talent, you’ll find internal joy in practicing that which you perform with ease and enjoyment. Fenaice Talent Centre is the best known center for talent identification, talent monitoring, talent development and talent management. Our talent centre ensures that our learners get the best of skills by allowing them to professionally polish their talents.

Talent IdentificationSo, what is a Talent?

A talent is an innate potential accorded to every human being by God. Fenaice Talent Centre comes in to help you identify your given but hidden talent or rather help you develop your already realized talent. Learners in our talent centre therefore not only have the opportunity to go through basic education, but also unleash their hidden potential.

Fenaice Ideal Talent Identification Strategy

Fenaice Talent Centre gives you the joy of finding your hidden talent since its enjoyable to perform that which you are gifted in. We definitely bring you closer to accomplishing your purpose on earth. Talent identification may benefit your personal life since lack of the identification results in untapped potential for years.

So, the question is, do you know your talent? How do you find your hidden talent?

To some, identifying a talent is easy and they are perfectly enjoying the realization and actualization of the same. Therefore, if you have already found your talent, our center for talent, will help you perfect it professionally through clearly structured training and monitored classes.

Where talent identification and nurturing are simply unheard of and mysterious, Fenaice comes in as a crisis solver. Our talent center does this by exposing learners to our four best categories of talents. This is done for a period of time under some of the following factors:

  1. The child’s concentration span
  2. Ability to understand and obey rules
  3. Ability to understand the concept of time
  4. Hand and finger skills development
  5. Energy level of the child

After talent exposure, the child’s Talent Portfolio is studied by our Talent Development Experts who help in gauging the unique talent evident in the child. One key talent identification monitoring tool is the performance of the talent activities with ease and enjoyment.

Here are some additional 5 unique Talent Development Strategies

The following unique talent development tips help you identify your child’s talent at a young age.

  1. Know your child’s pastime activities. What does your child enjoy doing when free? Does he take a ball out to play or he simply makes music by drumming?
  2. Realizing areas you spend a lot of money in. Where does most of your money go to when it comes to your child’s fun activities?
  3. Try introducing your child to a new recreational activity and watch his level of enjoyment.
  4. Discovering activities that your child does with ease
  5. Asking people closest to your child on things that your child does best, or which strengths he possesses.

Fenaice Talent Monitoring Design

Talent development management is done through a strict monitoring tool. Fenaice centre for talent is able to manage learners’ identified talents from each of our four talent segments. Various talents identified, like swimming and skating under physical talent are further subjected to timed monitoring of approximately six hours each for six months, to check on the learner’s specific ability in each of the talents.

Learner’s talent ability is marked using a strategically designed Fenaice Talent Marking Guide. Talents with highest scores are charted and the learner is placed in the next talent development stage which is the intermediate level for six months for further nurturing of the talent. Later on, qualification under the intermediate level allows entry to advanced and later expert level, each for six months nurturing.

Fenaice 4 Best Talent Categories

Our centre for talent offers four competitive talents. These are talents that are popular internationally and impressive to both our learners and audience who have watched our learners’ performance. All the four Fenaice talents are discussed below:

Here are our 4 best talents that we help identify, monitor, train and link:

  1. Physical talents

Fenaice helps in physical talent identification through our four physical talents subcategories. The four subcategories that will help identify, monitor, train, and link our learners are:

  1. Swimming
  2. Skating
  3. Dancing
  4. Aerobics and Acrobatics

These are talents great for physical fitness, a healthy heart and strong muscles. Fenaice physical talents leave learners rejuvenated and yearning for more physical activities. They say work without play makes Jack a dull boy therefore every child deserves time to go out and do some jumping.

Play shouldn’t be just going to the field and playing. Also not playing games with fitness as a major advantage, but playing games that instill social and moral values. Ensuring that the child is exposed to challenging games that enforce critical thinking and obviously fun moments during physical talents activities.

  1. Creative talents

Our center for talent enjoys engaging learners with creative talents that boosts the left brain to exercise its prowess. Children, with their innocence, carry profound creative talents. Some love drawing while others enjoy playing around with colours.

Why not allow your child explore his or her creative prowess? It will be fun on realizing how amazingly your child can perform in her creative talent at Fenaice center for talent.

Some of our Creative talents are:

  1. Art and drawing
  2.  Chess
  3. Monopoly
  4. Scramble

     3. Technology talents

Its undoubtfully true that kids using computers is currently an in thing. The child seems untouchable and is automatically respected. Do you see how children are quick to go for our electronic gadgets? That informs you that there is an innate desire for every child to use an electronic gadget and enjoy the technology behind the gadget.

Enroll your child now and allow him to explore more on Tech talents in our institution by joining our Tech kids. Our Technology talents include:

  1. Computer general operations
  2. Offline computer operations
  3. Graphics operations & Design
  4. Programming & web operations
  1. Musical talents

Music is the food to the soul! Your inner being craves for musical beats that entice it. Fenaice center for talent is able to identify and develop musical abilities inclined in your child. May it be dancing, singing or playing a musical instrument, we fully nurture your child’s musical talent in a professional and strategic way. Fenaice kids learn to play:

  1. The piano
  2. The violin
  3. The guitar
  4. The saxophone


Our greatest interest as a talent identification and talent monitoring institution is to not only offer Basic Education to your child, but also help find his or her hidden talent and nurture it. Most parents fail to identify their children’s talent when young and in school.

Unfortunately, these children also fail to discover their unique God given ability after school. We don’t want you to fall a victim of these parents. It’s paramount that your child grows through the exposure of both basic learning and talent identification, talent development and talent monitoring.

As our Motto stands, Learn-Do-Become, Fenaice Talent Centre helps all to receive professional training where hidden talents are identified, monitored and nurtured to perfection. The best of it, is that we link our best learners to greater opportunities.

Join us now and allow us to help you know the beauty attached to your child’s name!