Fenaice talent identification involves exposing our kids into different talents areas based on their basic
interests and prior observation by monitoring them for proper talent placement. Our trainers use quality
talent marking guide to monitor the kid and evaluate them efficiently in each of our talents for eventual
proper placement and learning in the intermediate level.

How to identify and monitor in 6 months?
Our talent identification and monitoring takes the kid all round our talent segment that include physical,
musical, creative, and tech segment. The kid is exposed to at least 2 previously desired, liked and
observed talents per segment e.g. in musical, a kid with previous passion in saxophone and guitar will be
monitored for 6 hours in guitar and 6 hours in saxophone. The trainer guides, monitors and marks using
Fenaice talent marking guide for proper identification and placement. The 6 hours are spread in 2 weeks
meaning there are a minimum monitoring of 3 hours session per week. 6 hours per talents across 8
talents totals to 48 hours, equal to 6 months in monitoring and identification stage. The talent with the
highest score guides in placing the kid for the next intermediate training.